Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let's get political..

We are defined by our political views. Nothing that we are is a definitive as which party we support, and nothing is as trivial. Why is it necessary to abuse and debase another human being because they are not a cookie cutter of yourself? When did it become an obligation to force an entire country to be just like you?

 We are a nation of people who have certain rights, ALL of us, yet the only thing certain factions of our elected leaders want to do is strip those rights from us. Each American is BORN (not concepted) with these rights, yet they seem to be viewed as a gift. Our rights are not a trinket to be handed out to only our favorite few. They are our birthright, our guarantee, our promise from the citizens that created this country that every one of us is equal and just in our nation. We had to fight to claim the rights for the slaves we created, we had to fight to allow rights for our women, every step of the way we have had to wrest the power from rich old white men who believe they are the ONLY ones who should have any rights at all.

I will stand and fight those determined to revoke the rights of women, GLBT,african-americans, and non-christians alike. If you were born on this soil, you have THE SAME RIGHTS as any other human in this country. One of those rights is the right to say NO.. you will not take away that which I am entitled to, because I AM entitled to it. Being a wealthy white married christian male does not give your rights MORE value than mine (as a poor white single-parent woman) What it does do is make you accountable to ME, as my elected official, and give me the further right to demand you get your head out of your ass and stop thinking for me. We as Americans actually are capable of thinking for ourselves, if you would shut up and let us.

I will make this as simple as possible: IF you were BORN in America, you have the EXACT same rights as ANYONE else BORN in this country. No more, no less. STOP giving politicians the ability to TAKE YOUR RIGHTS away from you, Stand up and DEMAND what is YOURS!

I am a WOMAN.. I have the RIGHT to my BODY, my CHOICES, and my LIFE. You will NOT force your ideals on ME!

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