Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And the victim becomes the criminal..

There is a meme raging through the fb world that so clearly defines how fucked up we have become, I had to share it. Not because of the pro-gun stance it makes, although that is the purpose of the meme, but because you watch the de-evolution of a human being in one short post. Pro-gun folks are eating this story up, passing it on with comments of "Hell yea" and "Way to go", all I saw was.. well.. we will get to that in a minute. For the purpose of this blog, and for you to see this meme as I saw it, I am going to chop it up first. At the end of the post, I will publish the meme in it's entirety.. and you decide just what is so awesome about it's message.

Ok.. great job soldier boy! He effectively used his concealed gun in the exact manner for which it was intended. He is a hero (at least to himself and his girlfriend). If the post had stopped there, I would have congratulated this man and been ok with him carrying a weapon. However.. this guy didn't stop at pointing a gun at the mugger, oh no, that was just the beginning.


Not a horrible idea I suppose, except our hero seems to have forgotten the knife mugger man had, or he just decided to let the would-be criminal keep it. Now, throw the things away, or take them to the police and it's over right? Wrong! Watch as a self proclaimed soldier, supposed defender of freedom, protector of civilians everywhere.. becomes a criminal in his own right.

The muggee becomes the mugger. He steals this man's credit card, and uses it for his own gain. He also turns four other people into accessories to the crime by allowing them use of a stolen credit card. The new mugger also implicates a homeless person by giving him money from the stolen wallet. So now, the victim of this crime is the original mugger (who, by the way, only attempted to mug the soldier) And, it gets even worse!

The man then vandalizes a vehicle of someone not involved in the original crime at all. Regardless of his assumption that the car might belong to a criminal, he has no way of knowing, and therefor creates a victim out of an innocent citizen. To top it off, this man is still not finished with his crime spree.

Next, he impersonates the new victim. He uses this man's identity to perpetrate acts of treason and terrorism. Our original victim has now committed no less than 3 felonies, all to punish a guy who TRIED to mug him. His reasoning for all of this:   

To paraphrase: You TRIED to do something bad to me. I pulled out a gun so you didn't get to commit a crime. I then robbed you at gunpoint, used the credit card I stole from you to buy things for me and other people, destroyed a car that belonged to an innocent citizen, and used your identity to make threats against the President of the United States. Maybe you won't rot in prison for the crimes I did commit in your name, and maybe the car doesn't belong to other criminals that will hunt you down and possibly kill you, but if either of those does happen.. that's ok. You are a scumbag and I am just an honest person trying to live in these mean streets.

Here is the whole meme:

 Does this man's idea of punishment fit the crime? Not even a little bit. Remember when you were little and stole a piece of candy from the store? Now imagine that, instead of your mom making you take it back and apologizing to the store owner, she instead went into the store with a gun and robbed it, then called the cops with a bomb threat, and pushed down that big bully in your class, all while pretending to be you. That makes sense doesn't it? 

This is the justice being forced upon us by gun-toting, christian, right wing teapublicans.. this is not any sane human's idea of right and wrong!

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