Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A house of Gold..

In a recent opinion editorial, a gentleman suggested that we only do good works because of an ingrained belief in a christian god. He states that if we remove the christian undertones of charity, then we would become a people with no concept of charity. This man goes on to claim that atheists and those with different religious beliefs have never been able to give him an answer as to why they are charitable, he says the only replies he has received are "Because it's a good idea", or "Because it's the right thing to do." Naturally,being a christian man, he interprets these remarks to mean "Because the Bible tells me to." Well, I call bullshit.

Some of the most uncharitable people I know are christians! They sit in their churches and believe that because they are in the pew on Sunday, they are doing God's will. Then there are the christians that do charitable works in order to increase their property value in Heaven, their only goal is to get that house of gold up there in Jesus' neighborhood. Before you start screaming that I don't know you, or that I am lumping you all together, let me say this.. it has been my personal experience that most christians are far less willing to lend a hand if no one can see them do it. They will come out in force if a television crew is watching, or if it gives them the chance to wear their "I'm a christian" t-shirt, or if everyone else is doing it, but left to their own devices, christians are more apt to sit and judge than help their fellow man.

My reply to Mr.op-ed is simple. We do good works because we see a need for them, we see our neighbors and strangers down and out and want to help them, we go quietly into the world and lend a hand to our fellow humans. Not because we want someone to notice, not because we want a place in heaven, we do it simply because it is our obligation as inhabitants of this earth to do all we can to do make this a better place than we found it.

Think about that the next time you see someone in need.. not "what will I get out of it?" but "How can I help you."

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