Friday, December 14, 2012

Thank you..

Thank you conservative, christian, moral republican/tea party politicians.. Thank you.

No, you aren't at the wrong blog.. you haven't been transported to a fox news site! While this is a heart-felt thank you to the right wing propaganda machine, I doubt that I will be invited Michelle Bachman's holiday bash to publicly exhort the virtues of this party. Now, if I may continue..

Thank you. With every deed, you force women, gays, african-americans, and the latin communities to despise you.

When you allow and encourage your party members to compare women to livestock, when your female members (elected seat holders at that) state that women are too emotional and fragile to vote, when you prance about on every network sniping about how a collection of cells has more value than the real live human being those cells live in.. you force people to hold you accountable for your obvious disdain of the female sex.

When you claim a book calls for the hatred and outright persecution of an LGBT person, when you demand your followers support a business that funds hate groups, when you call homosexuality a disability and compare it to murder in terms of morality, when your 3 ex wives stand with you while you proclaim the sanctity of "one man-one woman" marriage, when you turn your own children away because they love someone of the same sex, when you refuse to believe that gay rights should be the same as your rights (the SAME, not special), you force a nation to deny your lies and shine a light on your hatred.

When you attempt to harass a minority into not voting, when you call an entire race of people lazy, when your members publicly and repeatedly claim that "slavery was not so bad" and imply that maybe we should go back to that era, when you hold the race of your fellow humans in higher regard than their acts or accomplishments, when the members of your party that are of a non white race continue to fight for the destruction of their own color hoping that maybe you won't notice they aren't white, you force America to rip the white sheets from your head and speak your name for all to hear.  

When you sit in your million dollar house counting your billions of dollars and claim that you got there all by yourself, when you want to remove programs that feed people, when you cry out that people should just work harder or have better jobs and that will solve their problems, when you scream how the poor are useless and how dare they think they deserve food or housing or work, when you claim life is sacred but not on your dime, when you regard a struggling single mother as a criminal or child abuser, you force us to fight back and bring you down.

You are not better than us, you got where you are on the backs of us. Your hatred and bigotry and misogyny and elitism has brought you to your knees. Those you despise are standing over your party, sword in hand, ready to deal the death blow.

Thank you.. for giving America the passion and fire we so needed to remove you and your ilk from our view, soon we can be what we should have always been.. strong and proud and UNITED!

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