Sunday, December 8, 2013

Being "somebody"

We all want to be special, to be important, to be SOMEBODY. There are some out there that are content with meaning something to their family and friends, living a quiet life and never needing recognition on any scale larger than their own homes.

 Then, there are the rest of us.

We have an idea that maybe, just maybe, we really are as important as we think we are. That everyone, everywhere, NEEDS to hear our voice and be awed by our brilliance. We are brilliant you know, every thought we have is some amazing bit of awesome, and if the world would just listen to us for one minute we could fix everything.

Oh yes, I am absolutely counted in this! I want to share my wisdom and ideals with everyone, hoping to bring some order and intelligence back to our planet of increasing idiocy. I'm a writer/blogger/thinker and an attention hungry human. So I toss out my words in every possible form, hoping that some of them may land and grow into rational thoughts the world over.

I will never change the world. I have blogs and articles and tweets and status updates so full of intelligent argument it should make anyone who reads them sit up and shout "Eureka! I have seen the light!" yet they go largely unnoticed, run down by the latest gossip or scandal, covered up by the landslide of other, louder voices all shouting for attention.

Does that stop me? Obviously not, I still harbor that desire to make a difference, to be that voice, to for real change the world anyway.

Here is the question though, and it's one with no answer but still must be asked: How do we find the sanity, the truth, when we are bombarded every second of every day by the screaming blather of everyone else?

There are sources that we should know are full of shit, yet people repeat the lies line by line.. memorizing each tidbit of untruth like it's their high school play. For hours, days, years on end these people have been saturated with falsehoods and for many, it is too terrifying to stop listening. It doesn't matter if you are a liar, brimming with hate and greed, as long as you can scream the loudest for the longest you win, because people will begin to hear your voice as all the others go out.

A voice of reason, of truth and intelligence and rational ideals, those are harder to come by. We do not want to hear how easy change could be, because the status quo must be maintained. We don't want to think for ourselves, we do not want to give up our easy breezy lives and freedoms that we have done nothing to deserve.

Think for me, tell me what to do, just don't take away my right to stand in line for the new iphone or restrict my internet access because that one celebrity is getting ready to have her baby and I must know all about it. No, I don't care if my products are made by children overseas or that the store I worship at treats people badly, I just want the biggest tv you have because Teen Mom is on in 10 minutes. I will believe whatever you tell me to believe so I can continue to pretend that none of this actually affects me in any way.

Now, we all know which side of the fence I sit on. I know that there are those that sit one the other side who will absolutely disagree with me on every single point I have just made, and that's ok.

I just want you, whoever you are, to think about your ideals. Really think about them, and reach your own conclusions.You don't have to agree with me, but stop accepting what you hear at face value. Question, explore, do a damn Google search for craps sake. It's time to be a bit uncomfortable, because the alternative is unconscionable.

Stand up and really BE somebody, even if it only changes your world. Be loud, speak up and out, join the rest of us in trying to be heard. Somewhere out there, one of us really is special, one of us really can make it better, maybe it's you.